Monday, August 17, 2015

Optimisation techniques for Unity (mid-level)


Time for a new post, in this case I've made a small video tutorial with some techniques to optimise your unity projects, reduce garbage and increase performance.

All those tips are things that you should be doing in your projects RIGHT NOW if you really care about doing a good job, otherwise....
Of course I'm NOT talking about standard stuff like atlas, materials and stuff like that cause we all know that. Those are the most basic things that are not interesting to talk about.

Enjoy :) 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Language Manager for Unity (Beginner-Medium level)

Translations is one of the most common things we all need in our games. The assets store is crowded with solutions but I always prefer to use my own stuff for simple tasks like this one.

To handle the text I'm using json files, which are just a simple txt file even if you save them as .json.

In order to create our json file I use to parse the file and make sure the structure is correct, that will avoid loading problems later...

I'm using a key and an array of "StringsToRead" to handle everything in a dictionary.

The structure of my json is this one:

    "TranslatedStrings": [
            "key": "tapToPlay",
            "StringsToRead": {
                "ENGLISH": {
                    "Text1": "Press any button to play",
                    "Text2": ""
                "SPANISH": {
                    "Text1": "Apreta un boton para jugar",
                    "Text2": ""
                "ITALIAN": {
                    "Text1": "Premere un tasto per giocare",
                    "Text2": ""
                "DEUTSCH": {
                    "Text1": "Drücke einen beliebigen Knopf zum Starten",
                    "Text2": ""
                "JAPANESE": {
                    "Text1": "ボタンを押してスタート",
                    "Text2": ""
            "key": "Language",
            "StringsToRead": {
                "ENGLISH": {
                    "Text1": "English",
                    "Text2": ""
                "SPANISH": {
                    "Text1": "Español",
                    "Text2": ""
                "ITALIAN": {
                    "Text1": "Italiano",
                    "Text2": ""
                "DEUTSCH": {
                    "Text1": "Deutsch",
                    "Text2": ""
                "FRENCH": {
                    "Text1": "Français",
                    "Text2": ""
                "JAPANESE": {
                    "Text1": "日本語",
                    "Text2": ""
As you can see we have a main key called "key" which contains the label used to identify our string. And then we have the strings for each language we want to support.
In this case I have only 2 strings (Text1 and Text2), but you can add more if you need to handle more text than that.

Remember to save the file as .txt in order to be used with unity easily

Now it's time to get some code, for start I'm using a simple enum, this is more than enough for my needs.

public enum LanguageType {
        CATALAN = 3,
        JAPANESE = 6,
NONE = 7,
       MAX = 8

Some may argue that enum is a really shitty solution, but for a simple task like this one it fits perfectly my needs and I can add more languages in a future if I need them.

Anyways, let's create the class to handle this,

The class is really simple, a small number of variables, 2 in fact....

public Dictionary<LanguageType, List<string>> textStringsList = new Dictionary<LanguageType, List<string>>();

First of all we will store the json definition within the class LanguageData, which is a dictionary with the enum (to know what language are we referring to) and the list of strings for that language.

That small class will handle our json file, now we define the dictionary to be used which contains the string key and the LanguageData to access the information of our json file. And everything gets packed in this nice dictionary:
Dictionary<string, LanguageData> localeStrings;

I'm also storing the enum to know our current language selected, and finally we add a simple action to notify other classes that the language has changed, for example you change the language in your options screen and you need to refresh the screen with the new and updated labels.

 LanguageType languageSelected;
 public System.Action EvntLanguageChanged;

Nothing really complex here, just these 2 vars plus the action/delegate to notify anyone about changes.

Our load function looks like this:

This will be used to load our file in order to to use the manager.

Now the core of the manager is the load function itself, it's private because we use the above function to let people to load something, but we keep private the implementation. Let's take a look:

Remember one important detail, in order to read files within unity you need to place any file within the Resources folder, if you don't have that folder you have to create it

As you can see in the code I'm using a folder within Resources called GameConfigFiles with a subfolder called TextAssets, which is where I store all my json files.
So the final path is "Resources/GameConfigFiles/TextAssets", no need to say that you can change that path to something of your liking.
Like I mentioned early, the file it's just a .txt file saved as such in order to be recognised by unity and loaded as a TextAsset. If you import the file as .json unity will not be able to read it.

The final piece of code important is the function that returns the string from the dictionary:

Just check for the key to exist to avoid any crashes, if our key exists then just get the first string (Text1) of the json file and we are done.

I'm not gonna explain here the rest of the code (check the project included) because the remaining code is dead simple, just some public functions to change language, and some general getters, nothing you've never seen before.

The project contains a small menu class to show you how to load and init the manager.

So this is it, this is our simplistic language manager. As you can see it's not difficult at all to create something like this, of course you can expand this to read xls files or whatever you might need. In my case I prefer this classic json/txt files, but it's a matter of personal preferences.

Here's the link to the project